Thursday, July 24, 2008

PhotoStory Friday: Fireworks

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


One of the pictures I took during the fireworks after a great Padres game with the bf and his parents. It was a good game, even though they lost. And besides, the evening ended with fireworks, so it couldn't be a total loss. Plus, I love baseball, I love going to the stadium. Unless it's the World Series, I'm not a fan of baseball on tv. I'd rather be there in person, it's exciting.

And for those of you keeping track, and leaving me such wonderful supportive comments, the bf and I had our talk this afternoon. It was not fun, far from it in fact. But the long and the short of it is, he's not a huge fan of it and it's not easy for him, but he's willing to slow down, to give me the time I need. He said he'd do anything because he loves me more than anything in the world. Doesn't make it easy, but it says a lot that he's even willing to try. Things will be awkward for a little while, I understand that. But I hope they'll be right soon enough. Thank you all for all of your support and encouragement, it really helped me deal with all of this. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a fabulous weekend!

Today's post is inspired by the lovely ladies in the link below. Come play PSF with us, it's fun!
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Gigi Ann said...

Glad to hear things are looking up...and hopefully better.

I'm making this post a bit shorter, after yesterdays long winded one;))

Have a fun-filled week-end.

Jaina said...

Gramma Ann- Thanks, me too. I hope you have a lovely weekend as well. :)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

I, too, am glad things are on the up and up. Very cool shot Jaina!

Anonymous said...

Love the firework shot!

and I'm so glad you guys had the talk...nothing wrong with taking things slow. :-)

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

cool picture. Good luck with the bf.

Jaina said...

Mama Geek- Thanks, me too. And thanks! I was trying to snap what I could while enthralled with the fireworks.

April- Thank you! I'm glad we had the talk too...he's not completely thrilled with slowing down, or "going backwards" as he stubbornly (and partly truthfully) calls it. But he's willing to try it for me.

Carrie and Troy- Thanks squared! :)

Bee said...

Great shot and yes, me too..good luck with your bf

Jaina said...

Bee- Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had your talk and things are now clear for him. Honesty is always the way to go, even when hard to put the words out there. Shows what a beautiful person you are on the inside.

Love the firework shot. So perfect. Have a great weekend!

Jaina said...

Eileen- Thank you, your comments are always so warm and encouraging, they always make me smile and feel pretty good about myself. I'm really glad I was honest, though honestly, the conversation sucked. It was not a lot of fun. But at least it's over now, things seem to be going okay. He's handling it much better than I expected. I hope you've had a wonderful weekend as well.

Cecily R said...

My fireworks shots are always muddled...that one is cool!!

Glad things are going better. I truly hope that it continues!

Jaina said...

Thanks Cecily! This is one of the best, I really need to be shooting with my tripod. As for the other stuff, we're still on a roller coaster. It's not fun. And it's mostly me. Trying to figure out how to deal with myself.

scrappysue said...

cool blog! i received that award last week too! photo story friday is great isn't it? i've been doing it for around a month now.

Jaina said...

Thanks Sue! Yeah, PhotoStory Friday is a lot of fun, I really enjoy it. I haven't been so great about getting around to the other players who aren't already in my reader, but I'm hoping to get to doing that more often. Thanks so much for stopping by!