Saturday, July 24, 2010

Checking In

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last posted. Well, I guess I can, but it really just seems like yesterday that the fiance was out of town and I found that splendid Jane Austen inspired movie.

I just really haven't had words lately. So many things to share, but a completely blank canvas which I have not been equal to filling as of late. No real rhyme or reason, who knows. I hope everyone has been having a fabulous summer. Mine is going in fits and starts. The weather can't seem to make up its mind whether it wants to be summer or fall, makes it slightly challenging when it comes to morning wardrobe selection. I hope you are taking it all in and enjoying every second of summer. I'll eventually be around to visit everyone. Time seems to be handing me the short end of the stick lately.


Sarah Katie said...

i know what you mean. time has seemed shorter as of late. i also have drawn a blank lately on what to talk about. i just depend on reading other peoples blogs and hoping that i might possibly find some inspiration to write something somewhere. as of right now though, even though i have much to talk about. writing that stuff down just seems boring.

Jaina said...

Sarah Katie-Hey! I know exactly what you mean, that's how I feel. I sometimes find the words, but naturally that's when I'm driving down the road. As soon as I have a spare moment to sit down at the computer the words evaporate as though they never existed. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Gigi Ann said...

I sometimes think that using pictures makes it easier to post something. I am lost without a picture to go with what I want to post.

But, then I don't write long posts as you and Sarah do. Oh well we each have our own way of doing things, I say to each his own. Have a nice summer. It was a lovely day here today and we went for a Sunday afternoon drive. You can view it here:

Jaina said...

Gramma Ann-I can definitely see pictures being helpful, they've helped me in the past. I agree, everyone has their own style, it keeps things interesting. I'm glad to hear that you had a lovely drive. :)


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