Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lost in Austen

The fiance has been away for a conference, which has left me staying at his house to take care of our puppy dog Kara while he is away. Last night I stumbled across this movie/mini series called Lost in Austen. It was quite accidental, but it had an interesting premise and the user review decided it for me. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, and I'm always up for Jane Austen.

Incredible. It's not often that I'm lost for words when it comes to Jane Austen and my favorite work, Pride and Prejudice, It takes liberties, but then, this kind of movie is intended to be that way. I'll be honest, I'm watching it again right now. The basic premise is that a modern English girl, a Jane Austen enthusiast, accidentally switches places with Elizabeth Bennett, right at the beginning of the story. It's an incredibly interesting twist on my favorite novel. I cannot recommend this movie enough. Seriously, go watch it. Also, fair warning (since I didn't notice this when I started the movie) it's about 3 hours long. Completely worth it though. I almost even think this Mr. Darcy can rival that of Colin Firth...which is near sacrilegious for me to say. He definitely wins for the lake scene. Seriously. Go. Watch. I'll be here finishing it myself when I should be sleeping.

The fiance has promised to watch Pride and Prejudice with me soon...the A&E Colin Firth version, of course. :)


Scarlet O'Kara said...

Thanks for the sweet comment about my girls, as well as the recommendation about that movie. Will have to put it on my request list.

Jaina said...

Scarlet-You're very welcome, they are such adorable little girls. :) If you have Netflix you can watch the movie on instant queue. :)

Sarah Katie said...

I loved that series. I watched it twice through the first time I stumbled across it. I think it was originally four individual episodes, but when it was released on DVD was pushed all together into one.

I thought it would be cool if they made more of these Lost in Austen series, like switching places with Emma, or Katherine from Wuthering Heights. It would be cool to switch places with Anne from Persuasion.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Ooo...I simple MUST see that!

Mandy said...

Thanks for the recommendation! I love those books, too.

Jaina said...

Sarah Katie-Yeah, I figured out through some searching that it was originally a mini series in England. Other plots would be interesting too, but I'm curious if they would work out as well as Pride and Prejudice. They are, however, making a full motion picture set to come out next year. (yay for IMDB)

Kim-Yes, you simply must! I insist, it's fabulous!

Mandy-I hope you enjoy it, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

DANICA said...

That is one of my absolutely favorite movies. One that I can watch repeatedly and fall in love with Colin Firth's character everytime all over again. :-) Good thing I was able to purchase a copy of the miniseries at Barnes and Noble.

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Tabitha Blue said...

Oh oh oh... I WANT to go watch this now!!!! It's on my to-do list!! Thanks for the great heads up, I love finding great new things to either read or see :)


ellie said...

what a great time to enjoy Jane's tales.

Jaina said...

Danice- Oh yes, Colin Firth is fabulous! I've got that one on DVD. I really like the premise of Lost in Austen, refreshing. Not 100% accurate and all, but because of the premise, it doesn't really bother me. I could drool all day over those lake scenes, lol. Thanks for stopping by!

Tabitha-Can I just say that your excitement totally makes me smile? I hope you get to see it, you'll have to let me know how you like it. As for new things, have you read Eat Pray Love? I'm reading it right now with my cousin and it is absolutely phenomenal. I really think you would like it too.

Ellie-Thank you, I must agree. :) Thanks for stopping by!