Sunday, January 17, 2010


Not feeling well is not fun. Scratchy throats that induce coughing is not much better. Toss it into a three day weekend and it really sucks.

A fiance who is unbelievably sweet and will go out in the rain to get you mint chocolate chip ice cream to soothe your throat is absolutely incredible. A future mother-in-law (in 447 days) who makes you hot tea with lemon and honey because she hears you coughing from the other room is also incredibly sweet.

I am so incredibly blessed.


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

So sorry you've been sick but oh so glad to hear you're being so well taken care of!

Jaina said...

Kim-Thanks! I really am well loved. I love the new decaf tea with honey and a squeeze of lemon, it's my new favorite.

Anonymous said...

Awww! Will she come make me tea? :)

Jaina said...

Yaya-She probably would, she's such a sweetheart. I'm very lucky.