Hosted by Cecily
2 am
Never fails.
It doesn't seem to matter how prepared I am,
how difficult the design is
how quickly I work,
You will find me in the kitchen
surrounded by icing, decorator tips and couplers,
spatulas, toothpicks and icing bags,
2 am

Hosted by Cecily
**Hopefully it's apparent, but this is a surfboard, modeled after my future father-in-law's board, the board which our friend Shawn loves. The cake is for Shawn's last day working with us before heading to a new job.
It's apparent and it's AWESOME!!!!
I can barely frost a sheet cake. Sigh.
Cecily-Thanks! I am really excited about how this turned out. You should try one of the Wilton classes at Michael's, I've only taken the first level, but they're SO much fun! I can't wait to take levels 2-4!
Wow! That looks great!
Jen-Thank you!
Your cake looks fantastic! It was totally worth the lack of sleep! How long have you been decorating? when did you take the first wilton class?
I have to admit that I love to find a fellow cake decorator!
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.
So...I need a cake for my son's birthday on the 6th of February. Too bad you are across the country. :)
Heidi-Thank you so much! :) I took the level one Wilton class last July and have been decorating on and off since then. If you go into the labels, I think I have pictures of nearly all of my cakes up on here. I had a lot of fun with my brother's birthday cakes back in September. I love hearing from other decorators, I'll definitely be by to check out your blog. Thanks for stopping by!
Mandy-And unfortunately I don't think it would make it there in one piece if I shipped it. Otherwise I would totally make one for him.
Kim-Thanks! (I totally started to reply to brava, brava, bravissimo...cut to organ music)
Wow, Jaina, you're a cake artist! I know Shawn loves it!
Oh goodness 2 am, well, like you said the end result is great!! :) Nicely done.
Renie-Thank you so much, I like that title :) And he absolutely loved it. Everyone did. I am apparently making a bit of a name for myself in our department when it comes to cakes and baking.
Tabitha-Haha, yeah. It really does seem to be my magic hour for finishing cakes. Thank you! I totally caught up on sleep today. I took a 2 hour nap while the fiance was cleaning his garage, he said he had to come in to check on me a couple times because I wasn't moving. Lol. Apparently I needed the sleep. :)
Very good job on that cake! It's awesome!
Mmm that looks good!
It looks great!
I always do my best work late at night! Hope he enjoyed it.
Kelli-Thank you so much! And thanks for stopping by! :)
Yaya-It came out pretty tasty. I had a small taste, and everyone else kept telling me it was delicious.
Carrie-Thanks! Unfortunately I seem to be the same. I took a great 2 hour nap on Saturday though to make up for it, it was nice. :)
Great cake. I have to cheat and buy the cake molds and hope that I get the little starry things clustered close enough that one one can tell (in a pic that is) that is is messed up. Beautiful cake Jaina! I love it! And thanks for the link to the photo blog, you were right, I do like it! I am so sorry to hear about your friend. You and her family and the rest of her loved ones are in my prayers!
Ryanne-Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed that link, I've definitely been loving it. And thank you so much for your prayers :)
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