Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wait, wasn't it just 10:30?

I accidentally stayed up till 2 last night. Well, I guess that's technically this morning. (does the spelling of "this morning' as two words bother anyone else because when people say it it sounds more like one because we don't enunciate clearly and we speak too fast?) My friend Bells lent me a book called Marked. It's the first of another wonderful Vampyre series (yes I meant to spell it that way) that just keeps getting better. I was in the middle of the third book Chosen around 10 last night when the bf left to go to work (they had a network thing last night from like, midnight to 5am...but at least he got to go home and go back to sleep all day after...that and study for his certification test tomorrow) Anyways, I was just going to read the rest of the section I was in before he left. Somewhere in there I finished the book and it was 12:30. Not exactly sure where time went...I think it sped up or something.

It could have ended there, but see, these books follow the same story line and lead into the one following. Chosen practically threw me into book four, Untamed. Before I knew it it was nearly 2 am and I FINALLY found a spot that I could maybe stop at. I had to resort to some deep meditation breathing to slow my mind down to actually fall asleep. Needless to say, I was a little tired today.

Okay, that's it. Sorry for the lame post (minus the part where I told you about an AMAZING series you totally have to read...I'll do more of a review soon), but it's really all I could think of at the moment. I've had a sort of apathetic writer's block of sorts. I'm sure I'll get over it soon. At least I'm caught up on my Reader. Gotta love summertime. Oh, and sorry for the shiny distracted random parenthetical comments littered throughout the mind seems to be running like a hyperdrive or something. And yes, I did just make a Star Wars reference. My name is Jaina, and I'm a geek.


Anonymous said...

Whose the author? I love vampyre series! And I did the same thing with Twilight. I read the entire series in one weekend and didn't sleep at all.

Jaina said...

LifeRehab-It's co-authored by P.C. Cast and her daughter Kristen Cast. It's definitely worth picking won't want to put it down. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know how you like it! Thanks for stopping by :)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Hiya Geek. I totally feel ya. Something that good deserves it.

Jaina said...

MamaGeek-Haha. :) Thanks!

The Chic Chauffeur said...

Do you know, I am the same way. Once I get into a book, there is just no stopping me. Sometimes I even hesitate to start a book I know I will love, because what happens is I end up staying up all night reading.......

Can't beat a good book though!!! So much better than a movie!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, a new vampire series sounds good to me!!

Jaina said...

Chic Chauffer - Me too! OMG it's nice to know that I'm not the only one. And I agree...a good book is better than a movie any day.

April - I think you would totally love it. I haven't gotten book 5 yet, partly cause it's still in hardcover, and partly because book 6 doesn't come out until like, November. The Casts definitely have a way with cliffhangers at the ends of their books. They give you just enough resolution to satisfy, but totally leave you wanting more. It's good and bad.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Ooooo I totally have to check this out. I'm sure I'd love it and get hooked too. :)

Tabitha Blue said...

Ok, so now I want to check out that series!! Although I know I need to wait or I'll be up till dawn reading them! LOL


Shauna said...

I am new here! What a great blog :)

OHmommy said...

Im such a geek myself, LOL. And you know what. I finally went to bed before 12 for 2 nights in a row. It was awesome.

Jaina said...

Kelly-You definitely's a great one to get hooked on. :)

Tabitha-Yeah, they're definitely an "oh my gosh it's 3 in the morning and I should have been asleep hours ago" kind of series. But totally worth it.

Shauna-Welcome, and thank you! I really appreciate it. :)

OHmommy-power to the geeks ;) And YAY for the early to bed...sleep really is a marvelous thing. :)

EatPlayLove said...

Im the same way, before i know it, it's waay too late and I get kicked in the butt the next day.

Jaina said...

Denise-Haha, exactly what happened her. Kinda sneaks up on's tricky like that.

Anonymous said...

When I go to start a book I have to make sure I have nothing on the calendar for the weekend because I will stay awake until I finish!

Jaina said...

Yaya-Haha, I know how that goes. :)