Thursday, April 30, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request

I have a very urgent prayer request for you all. My mom just imed me with this information.

A very good friend of my dad's went for a motorcycle ride last night. He was found this morning on the side of the road by a passerby. They don't know if he crashed or got hit, but he's got head trauma, broken cervical vertebrae, internal injuries, possibly more that we are unaware of. He is currently unconscious. He's a DA and a really good friend of my dad's. My dad is pretty shaken, they're getting limited information funneled through the DA's office. Dave is a really good guy and he really needs all the prayers that he can get right now.

Please pass this prayer request on to as many people and prayer chains as you can. My family and his would greatly appreciate it.


Petunia said...

Oh, gosh--I'll keep him in my prayers!
Can I just say that this is why I hate motorcycles!! :(

Scarlet O'Kara said...

I will say a prayer for your dad's friend...

Jaina said...

Petunia-Say it, shout it and repeat it. Again and again. I'm right there with you. The bf knows that if he ever gets a motorcycle he loses me. (don't worry, he's not getting a motorcycle)

Scarlet-Thank you so much.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

That is terrible I will remember him in my prayers.

Jaina said...

Carrie-Thank you. :)

Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

I sure will. That's awful!
For those skeptical prayer does work.

My dad just had surgery where a huge mass was taken out. Said for sure to be Cancer. After lots of prayer some how it came up as negative for cancer.
We are all amazed!But with Faith, not shocked.

Jaina said...

Johnina-Thank you. I'm so glad to hear about your dad. What a miracle.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh honey, that does not sound good at all. Will definitely add him to my prayers.

Jaina said...

Kym-Thank you so much. They are really and truly appreciated.

Mark said...

Terrible news! There are lessons in this too.

Jaina said...

Mark-Yes. Reaffirmation that prayer is a very powerful thing.

Momo Fali said...

I will pray for the best.

OHmommy said...

oh Jania... i am sending you my prayers

Renie Burghardt said...

Oh, how terrible, Jaina. My prayers go out for Dave and his family.

Tabitha Blue said...

Oh my goodness. I'll definitely be praying. Wow, keep us updated.

Jaina said...

Momo-Thank you so much

OHmommy-Thank you, they are much appreciated

Renie-Thank you. I know that he and his family appreciate them.

Tabitha-Thank you, I definitely will. My dad didn't learn anything new on Friday, it's driving me crazy that we haven't heard more. But I'm hoping and praying that in this case, no news is good news. I hope to have another update on his condition sometime Monday.