Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year's Goals

I've decided to set goals in lieu of making resolutions this year. I know that for some these imply the same thing, but to me they each have unique qualities, and that makes all the difference.

Here's an example of one of my goals:
~read the unread books waiting on my bookshelf

I want to read more, but I need to set more tangible goals rather than mere abstract resolutions that barely outlive their declaration. So without further ado, let me share my New Year's Goals with you...

~read the unread books waiting on my bookshelf (yes I have a list, no I don't want to bore you with the details in this post)

~balance my checkbook and keep my accounts up to date on a consistent weekly basis

~start a consistent routine to move more (I'm looking into Curves, but until I make the decision, I will be up a little early getting in a quick walk in the mornings)

~create a weekly chore routine and stick to it (the goal here is that I do a little piece of cleaning each day and my apartment just stays clean without requiring a multi hour block to get it all in order)

~do the dishes on a DAILY basis before going to bed (I've gotten really bad about dishes piling up in the sink)

I feel as though I'm forgetting a few goals that I'd had in mind, but I think these are some good, attainable goals to start with. And I can always add goals later...don't have to have a brand new year to make goals for myself.


Sarah Katie said...

I definitely agree with you. I never really make resolutions for myself but try to set reasonable goals. I want to read all of the unread books on my bookshelf, clean the kitchen before I go to bed, make my bed every morning, manage my time better, etc.

Jaina said...

Sarah Katie- Those sound like great goals :)

Mandy said...

So when you get this chore chart created, post it please. I need help, too. :)

Jaina said...

Mandy-You got it! You may have to adapt it slightly since I've only got a small studio apartment, but I'd be more than happy to help you with that if you like :)

Gigi Ann said...

I too am working on reading all my unread books, my problem is when a new book comes out that sounds interesting I just have to have it, otherwise, I might forget about it. At this rate I never will get all my unread books read. heehee!

Since I live in a small apartment, I find the one thing that helps me keep my sanity, is the first thing I do every morning is make my bed. It just helps to make the clutter look less. At least to me it does!

I have no set goals, except to keep after the clutter!

simplynotso said...

I feel so much better when my sink is clean! Even if everything else is in shambles:)

Jaina said...

Gramma Ann-I definitely agree with you on the bed just looks nicer. The other thing I love is a fresh vacuumed floor. No matter how messy it may be, freshly vacuumed carpet looks very nice. Good luck getting through all of your books! :)

SimplyNotSo-I'll probably do better at keeping the sink cleared/clean when it gets warmer...I just hate getting my hands wet (even in the hot water) when it's so cold! (and by so cold I mean not 65+ degrees...more around

Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

If I fail mine I think I'll just blame it on the hubby! =)

Jaina said...

Johnina-Sounds like a good plan to me ;)

Renie Burghardt said...

Goals are always good, and very attainable if kept simple. I always make my bed as well, and like to at least put the dishes in the dishwasher, so they are not all piled in the sink. LOL. And one of my goals has always been to take time for some fun! Makes life more interesting.

Your goals are good ones, Jaina, and I'm sure you will attain them. You seem to have the mindset to do so, and that's half the battle.

Take care!



Jaina said...

Renie-Thanks! I would be all over the dishwasher if I had one. Lol. I used to make more elaborate goals, and then none at all. I decided to keep it simple and attainable this year.

Petunia said...

Nice list of goals!! I don't make goals because I would just be setting myself up for failure--hahaha!! I do make lists, though..hee hee!

Tabitha Blue said...

Oh I like the idea of goals as well... that's what I've been making a list of!! Good luck with yours! Here's to a great year!


Jaina said...

Petunia-I'm a notorious list maker too :)

Tabitha-Thanks, and good luck with yours too! This year is going to be awesome!

Momo Fali said...

Have you ever read The Fly Lady's guide to cleaning your sink? Changed my life. I rarely have dishes in the sink anymore.

Momo Fali said...

Crap. Forgot to give you the link.

Jaina said...

Momo-No, but I have now. I may have to try this out. Thanks for the link!

Supercool Hotmama said...

I LOVE She is my little cleaning conscience to keep me on track. If you haven't checked her out - do it! I get the reminders but I also really recommend her book Sink Reflections.

Jaina said...

Supercool Hotmama-I checked out some of her stuff after Momo linked me. That sink thing is awesome...I seriously need to get some bleach to do that. (I've already got comet) Some of her stuff doesn't apply so well to me since I'm in a small studio apartment, but I really like some of her ideas and her methods. Except the shoes part. I HATE shoes in general and only wear them when necessary (usually to keep my feet from freezing in the winter)