Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring is in the Air

I love California, especially in the springtime when things start to bloom and the world comes alive. I especially love the tree in the front yard of my parents' house. (I have to say that now, since I officially moved into my new apartment last weekend!!) I was home visiting this past weekend because my cousin and my uncle brought out her new baby girl to surprise my grandparents. They got to meet their first great grandchild for the first time, and she's only 5 weeks old! Such a big trip for such a little girl. She was absolutely precious, I got to feed her a couple of times. We completely surprised my grandparents, they had no idea. My grandma cried. My grandpa didn't even recognize my uncle at first, he was expecting to see my dad. They were SO surprised. And nearly all the west coast family was there. It was like a mini reunion, sans holiday occasion. It was a great setting, everything was in bloom (which of course has trigger my asthma, which I am not thrilled about...but I'm still playing tennis after work) I love the tree in our front yard, it always looks like it has snowed when it's in full bloom. These are the two pictures I managed to snap really quick before we drove back over to my grandparents' house Sunday morning. We had some of my cousins over for a sleepover, it was a lot of fun. The kids had a great time, and it kept my grandparents' house quiet for my cousin and the baby. I will try to update more later, but I'm done with work and I've got to go get ready to play tennis with my friend when he gets off at 4.

Photo specs: (top & bottom)
~taken: March 9, 2008
~mode: auto, no flash

ask if you want to know more specs.


Erin said...

Beautiful shots of the flowers. I am glad you are posting your pics!

Jaina said...
