Friday, March 5, 2010

Wedding Musings

  • I absolutely adore the fiance's groomsmen. I work with three of them, and they are just funny, awesome, all around nice guys. They are such good friends to the fiance and I'm really excited to have them standing with us when we tie the knot.
  • I should not work on wedding stuff right before bed while watching Mamma Mia. Even if it's just organizing stuff into the notebooks. Stressed out wedding dreams are not relaxing. And I'm not even really stressed out! That night I dreamed that nothing was planned, I didn't have a dress and my hair wasn't done, it was pouring and nothing was going right. Definitely not restful. I had another wedding dream last night, it was different, but odd at the same time. That's two wedding related dreams in three nights. Maybe it's because we're slowly counting down to the one year mark? Who knows. Don't worry, I'm not going crazy, I'm not even stressed. I'm just laughing at the insanity of my dreams.
  • We have our centerpieces. Well, we know what they are going to be, and we have all of one of the designs. I'll post more about that later, but let me tell you, they are going to be awesome!
  • We had our chapel tour and orientation. Turns out the fiance knows the chapel wedding coordinator! He's friends with her daughter. It makes everything that much easier to work with, she is SO nice. Our deposit and papers are in so we are officially, 100% booked for our wedding.
  • I still have to go look for my dress. Oh, well, I guess that's the only potential stresser I have. With the disorganized insanity of the little league schedule, my mom isn't sure when she'll make it down to go shopping with me. I WILL NOT go dress shopping without my mom. Period. We're working on finding a time that will work.
  • We have asked all but two members of our wedding party. I have to ask my final two bridesmaids, I'm just waiting for an opportunity to do it in person. I can't wait for their reactions, I think they're going to be really excited. (they're two of my younger cousins)
  • I think we've decided on the cake design, but still have to figure out the flavors, pricing and baker.
  • The fiance and I are going to another bridal expo in about a week. I was thrilled that he was excited to go and told me to get the tickets right away. I'm sure to see a few repeat vendors, but probably see some new ones with new deals as well.
  • All in all things are going well. The fiance has to work this weekend, so I'm planning to hang out in my apartment, tucked away from the rain and work on wedding stuff.


Mandy said...

Seems as if things are falling right into place! Reading this takes me back to our wedding. *sigh* It's been 10 years this year and I can still say that was the best day of my life. :)

Jaina said...

Mandy-They are definitely getting there, it's exciting. I'm glad to hear that, it makes me smile and makes me even more excited for our big day!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I can hardly imagine all that must be involved! My mum told Neil and I that it was her party and we were the guests of honour. lol She did EVERYTHING. She asked our opinions of course but we were so young and dreamy eyed that most of the time we didn't even care.

I vote for lemon cake...mmm....

EatPlayLove said...

I still love thinking about you getting married, it brings me back to your days about questioning your relationship when it was just budding! Swoon, so sweet.

Jaina said...

Kim-Wow, I can't imagine that. Must have been pretty non-stressful though. I'm having all kinds of fun planning stuff, I just finished the mock up design for the invitations :)

Denise-It's rather exciting :) And omg, I remember that! That just gave me the chills, in a good way. That is so cool. Thank you for reminding me how far I've come! :)

The Chic Chauffeur said...

love reading about your wedding plans!!

Jaina said...

Chic-Why thank you! I love talking about wedding stuff :) As things get rolling faster and faster I'm sure there will be a few posts about the planning and whatnot.