Tuesday, November 24, 2009

An East Coast Christmas

Never thought that would be something that happened. But it's official. I bought our tickets tonight. I feel much less panicked than I have since my mom first brought this up yesterday morning. We're working out the details, but we will be on the east coast for Christmas. I hate the reason we're going, but I'm looking forward to seeing my uncles and family back there. It will be interesting for sure. We are spending next Christmas with the fiance's family, whether that is in California or the midwest. It's only fair. Maybe Easter too.


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh honey, I just caught up and how your heart must be hurting right now. I hope the time with your family holds more sweet than bitter and that there can be glad, memory-making moments intertwined with the sad. ~hugs~

Jaina said...

Kim-::hugs:: Thank you. I hope there is lots of sweet memory making too. And I hope this trip is just one of many future visits. But I'm glad to be able to go either way. Your comment made me smile, thank you :)

Anonymous said...


Jaina said...

Yaya-Thank you :)

scrappysue said...

a change at christmas always seems more pronounced than at any other time of year doesn't it? hugs to you and your family and thanks for stopping by

Jaina said...

Sue-It truly does. Thanks for the hugs :)

EatPlayLove said...

Funny enough I'm having an east coast kind of Christmas myself! It's been a long time coming!

Jaina said...

Denise-How exciting! I know you were wanting to visit, I'm so glad that you will get to do so this year. :)