Friday, September 11, 2009

A Moment of Silence

I thought long and hard about the right words for today, to commemorate and honor those who lost their lives that tragic day 8 years ago. Hard to imagine it's been 8 years. I finally realized that I don't have words for this, they simply don't exist. I offer instead, a moment of silence in remembrance of all the brave men and women, our countrymen, who lost their lives that day. We will never forget.


Renie Burghardt said...

I felt the same way, Jaina. Thinking back of that terrible day, which at that time also brought back my own nightmares of World War II; of being buried alive, but rescued, and more, much more, and I decided I couldn't deal with more than praying for the victims and their families. No, we will never forget. God bless the USA, and may there be peace in the world, very, very soon!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

No. There really aren't words, are there. Well put.

Jessica said...

I think this is truly the greatest post I've seen in honor of that day...the best.

OHmommy said...

I too feel the same way Jaina.

I remember taking my 8th graders outside as we were evacuated from the school and actually seeing the last plane circle over OHIO and turn around to PA.

Jaina said...

Renie-Thank you for sharing these memories with us. I cannot imagine the terror of your experience. I'm so glad that you are here and well today. I echo your sentiment of peace.

Kim-Thanks Kim. :)

Jessica-Thank you for such a wonderful comment. I truly appreciate it :)

OHmommy-How scary that must have been. I can't imagine. We were sitting in 2nd period and some kind of plane or helicopter flew over (after the no-flights mandate had been issued). I think we all collectively held our breath. I think it ended up being a sheriff helicopter or something of the sort.

Anonymous said...

I still remember.

Jaina said...

Yaya-Me too.