Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Birthday Barrette

I have this lovely little barrette, I've had it for nearly as long as I can remember. It's a rather pretty little thing, slightly dulled with age but still beautiful. It has bright, bold beads attached to a silver barrette, and strung through those beads are heart shaped beads that clickety clack when I move or shake my head. Now, I'm sure I wore it more often than this, but since I was little, I remember always wearing it on my birthday. I fondly call it my birthday barrette, I look forward to clipping it into my hair every year.

Today I snapped it into my hair and smiled at the familiar clickety clack of the heart beads bumping into each other. Today my barrette makes a trip to Disneyland to celebrate 24. It's going to be a great day. :)


Gigi Ann said...

What a wonderful sweet memory. So you are one year older...

I have the very first watch I ever owned. My sister gave it to me for Christmas, 1952. I was 12 years old. I will be 69 in October. So my little Cinderella watch is 57 years old. BTW it doesn't keep time anymore, but like your 'Barrette' it is a sweet memory.

I don't know how it survived all these years, with raising 5 children, and moving here 11 years ago, I am amazed I still have it.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the 'clickety clack' at Disneyland today...

Gigi Ann said...

P.S. You know this is coming esp. from me. Where is the picture of your "Barrette?" We would all enjoy seeing it. I will post a picture of my watch today for you to see... tee, hee...

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your birthday and what a wonderful memory to have. I think it's an amazing thing that something as simple as a little barrette can carry a person back through the years of memories. I hope you had a great time.

Jaina said...

Gramma Ann- Thanks! I really enjoyed the picture of your watch. There is no picture of the barrette at this time because I don't have one, and I don't have time to take one until next week. (I'm baking up a storm in preparation for the party this weekend up at my parents')


Preston-Thank you so much! It truly is, scents are even stronger for me sometimes too. I had a fabulous birthday, thank you so much!

Jaina said...

Thanks Yaya!!

BusyDad said...

Is that the same thing as my birthday beer? Hmmm probably not :) It only lasted for my 21st. That's a cool tradition. I've got a Christmas train set that I've had since I was 3, and every year for 2 weeks, I set it up. I'm 37 now. But enough rambling... HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY!!!!

Jaina said...

Busy Dad - Haha, probably not quite the same, but close. ;) You should post pictures of that train...I love trains. I really want to get a set to circle the Christmas tree someday. Thank you :)

EatPlayLove said...

Happy belated. Sounds like a great way to spend your special day! I have a favorite barrette that once had a mate, but now it's solo. Boy do I cherish it.

Jaina said...

Denise-Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great day. What a wonderful, special memory and tradition. You make every day things so special!!! Carry that tradition on, even when you have a daughter.

My girls love having things from when they were little and they come out at special times. For Christmas, I always hang up all the drawings they did when they were little. Each year they did different Christmas drawings and they are all over the kitchen cabinets and other rooms. They love remembering and seeing them again. That is one example, but you get what I mean.

So keep that Birthday Barrette going and all the other special things you create.

Hope all is well with your family and boyfriend.

Tabitha Blue said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! I'm sure it really was a great time!!


Jessica said...

Hey, Jaina! I had no idea our birthdays were so close. Happy belated birthday and thank you for sharing that neat little tradition - can't say I have one, but maybe I'll have to start one!

Jaina said...

Cheryl-Thank you so much. I love traditions like that. Our holiday decorations are some of my favorites. I'm actually thinking of letting future children (girls of course), wear the barrette. :) Things are going great here..I seriously need to blog!

Tabitha-Thank you!!

Jessica-Me neither! Pretty cool though :) September birthdays are awesome...yay Libras! haha

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Great memory! I hope that you had a wonderful time at Disney and that your birthday was one to remember!

Jaina said...

Carrie-Thanks! It was absolutely wonderful!