Speaking of, I leave for San Francisco this afternoon with the bf and his co-worker. I'm really excited..it's kind of surreal, I don't think I'll believe it till we get on the plane...maybe not even until we land. The timing of this trip is perfect, as it will distract me from my brothers going home. I'm really sad that they are leaving today, but I'm really excited for San Francisco. At least I won't sit home and be terrible depressed like I was last time my family stayed down for a weekend...I literally sat in my apartment and cried after they left, until the bf came over after work and just held me. (he was super sweet) I definitely find myself getting more homesick, which I think is kind of odd. But hey, it happens. So San Francisco will be a nice distraction, and a lot of fun too! The bf has all of Saturday to just sightsee and play around the city. I don't come home until Monday night, it will be a nice length trip for me. I will have tons of pictures to share, along with my pictures from various things this past week. I don't know if I'll get a chance to post while I'm up there this weekend, but you can be sure I'll be posting when I get back.
Also, everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Kara.

Ooo...have a fun trip! Make sure you go down to the pier! Fab food and the cutest little shops down there. Yay for distraction!
Kym-Thanks!! It's definitely on the list...I think we'll head that way sometime tomorrow since we have the entire day to go around. :) Have a great weekend!
Glad that you had fun with your brothers. I agree with you about being sad when family goes home. I usually am depressed for a couple days...
Travel safe and cannot wait to hear about it. Take some great photos to share!
And congrats on your new dog! She is such a cutie...and I cannot help but love the name!!!
Scarlet-Glad to know I'm not the only one. Thank you! I'll take lots of great photos. :) I'm glad you like her name..I do too. We didn't name her, but I love the name. We'd talked about maybe changing it, but don't want to confuse her. Plus. Kara is a beautiful name and it just looks like her. :)
Sounds like you had a great week with the brothers and now.....a great week-end with friends. Have a fun time in S.F.
Yay for your adorable new furbaby! Hope you are having fun in SF! It's so beautiful there.
Gramma Ann-Thanks! It was all fabulous!
Yaya-Thank you! I can't wait to meet her Friday! And thanks, SF was fantastic...we had beautiful weather. :)
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