This is the photo the bf emailed me yesterday. Isn't she beautiful? I love her already. The nephew of a work friend has to give her away because they just found out that their daughter is allergic. She's ours for free if we want her. Which we absolutely do. We're both already smitten. We just have to convince the bf's parents to let us get her, since she'll have to live with the bf. (I'm not allowed to have puppies in my apartment complex) We showed her to his mom last night, I think we've got her. Now we just have to work on his dad. We think that if I ask, we just might get her. His dad's a big softie once you get to him. We want her SO badly. We're hoping to at least convince him to let us do a trial period of at least a month. That will give us all the time we need to get him sold on the idea. Especially once he meets her.
Look at her, I love her ears. She's my little bat dog. She's a blue heeler/yellow lab mix. She's 4 months old, completely house trained and will sit and shake on command. I want her SO badly, I'm absolutely in love with her. Hopefully we'll convince the bf's dad to let us have her. I don't know what I will do otherwise...I'm so absolutely in love with her and I haven't even met her in person yet. If you can, send some good thoughts and prayers our way that we get to keep out little beauty here. :)
Wow, she is adorable. I really want a dog. Too bad there is no way my dad would ever let me get one. Instead I have to put up with two cats.
Sarah Katie-Thanks, I really hope we get to adopt her. Cats are cool, but I'm definitely more of a dog person. I hope that someday you'll get to have your own dog :)
Hi Jaina,
She is a cutie, and she will grow into a bigger cutie. Have you ever had a dog before? They are a BIG responsibility. There are the Vet visits, shots. Flea meds each month, heart guard meds each month, to prevent worms. All is expensive, actually raising a puppy or dog is like caring for a 2 year old. I'm not trying to discourage you, just wondering if you thought about all the work involved in having a pet. It will have to be walked each day, cleaned up after each day, will you be able to help the bf with that?
Oh! forget all that and just enjoy your puppy. I'm just an old fuddy-duddy with a dog Joey, that I begged my husband for a month before he gave in and we got him 9 years ago and now the dog is his and sticks to him like glue, I just look at the dog and say, "If only you knew how long I had to beg for you, you would have nothing to do with him. haha...
Gramma Ann ;)
Gramma Ann-Haha, you sound like my boss. I've had dogs before...my parents currently have our family dog...beautiful little Queensland Heeler...she's SO full of energy. The puppy will really be the bf's dog, but she'll be some mine too. And we're well aware of the costs and the work involved...we're excited about all of it :) I just hope we're allowed to get her!!
She is a cutie, Jaina. Love the ears. I hope your bf's Dad agrees, too.
I'm a cat and dog person, and have both.
Hope you get to spend some time with little bat ears this weekend.
Renie-Thanks! Me too. If he says yes we probably won't get her until after we return from San Francisco...but we shall see. I REALLY want her!
oh my goodness, A D O R A B L E!!! Hope you get her! She reminds me of the artist from New Orleans that paints doggies, the famous painting that looks like her is actually a black/white version with blue background!
Denise-Thank you! That's so neat, I don't think I've seen that picture. I'll have to check it out. I really hope that we get to have her too. I'm crossing my fingers.
What a sweet little baby girl. I hope you and the bf get her!
Scarlet-Isn't she just? I really do too. He knows about her now and hasn't said no yet...but he also hasn't said yes. The bf's mom talked to him about it today. We'll talk to him about it and possibly beg tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!
She's absolutely beautiful!
Kym-Thanks! Hopefully we'll have a positive answer tonight!
I hope the bfs father says yes and "Makes Your Day" ;)
Our son and daughter-in-law gave us two of their dogs years ago. Once after they were married she needed to find a home for her dog, because her sister got a St. Bernard and the family didn't want two dogs, so we inherited her dog. And the second time, they moved into an apartment and weren't allowed to have pets, so we inherited that dog as well. We just never could say no to them, but the dogs were great. Hopefully the bfs father won't be able to say NO to you two either. Will be waiting to hear his decision........
Gramma Ann-Thanks! Me too :) You know I'll post asap, especially if he says yes!
She's adorable!!!!!!
I can see the Blue Heeler in her.
Please, if you get her, email with me because blue heelers can be VERY challenging during their "adolescent" years. Very Very challenging. In fact, that is their highest percentage rate for getting turned in to animal shelters. But if you can push through their troublesome months you will come out with THE BEST do EVER. I can't imagine life without mine. She is the most loyal and loving dog ever. She can read my emotions like a book. Oh yeah, blue heelers are a 'one owner' type of dog so she will choose you or your bf and be completely and utterly loyal. I can walk her without a leash (with no training) that's how loyal she is to me. I hope you get her!
Yaya-Thanks! Me too. My family has a heeler...she's not the blue heeler though..she's the reddish one. I absolutely love her and she's great with all of us...if a bit on the hyper side. I will definitely email with you...this little beauty is already really well trained, so that should help. I know she'll have to make a bit of a transition, but I think it will work out wonderfully. (assuming the bf's dad says yes!!) Maybe the lab in her will temper that a bit as well, yeah?
Anyways, I will definitely be emailing with you...thank you so much! I REALLY hope he says yes...we're asking tonight after work. Keep your fingers crossed! :)
I love what you said . . . you are smitten and you love her already.
I'm thinking it is a "meant-to-be" . . .
We won't be able to get one until the little guy comes up and says, "Hey mom, I'll feed him, brush him, bathe him, take care of him, clean up after him . . . " and means every word of it. At least that's what the hubs says. But who knows, one might just "wander" into our backyard before then.
I love her ears too - sweet!!! I hope you get her.
Have a good weekend - Kellan
I love her ears too - sweet!!! I hope you get her.
Have a good weekend - Kellan
I love her too! I hope it works out so you can get her. She looks like she was meant for you, totally!
Have a great weekend. Been thinking about you, sorry I've been out of the blogging loop. Hope all is well. I'm trying to catch up this weekend.
I couldn't survive without my furry friends...I'm a sucker for puppies.
Laski-Thanks! I'm all for one just wandering into your backyard. I mean, really, there's nothing you can do at that point, it's fate!
Kellan-Me too!
Cheryl-Thanks! No problem, I know life gets busy sometimes. I hope you had a great weekend as well!
Far From Perfect-Me too! I love puppies
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