Monday, May 18, 2009

Prayer Request for my Uncle Don and others

My uncle is having surgery tomorrow morning at 7:30 am, East Coast time. The opening in the back of his head has widened again and is leaking a bit, so they have to go in and close it up...again. This time the surgeon will also work with a plastic surgeon to help try and make this the last surgery he has to have. Please keep my uncle in your prayers.

I do not have any new updates on my dad's friend Dave's condition at this time. As far as we know he is still in a coma. Please continue to pray for his healing and recovery.

Finally, my mom just learned that the daughter of one of her friends is battling cancer. I'm waiting for complete details, but it sounds like she is doing fairly well in the later stages of seems to be working. I'll post more details about her later as I get them.

Thank you. :) Please share any prayer requests of your own in the comments. I'd love to include your intentions in my own prayers.


Renie Burghardt said...

Oh, I hope the surgery on your Uncle goes well this morning, Jaina. He will be in my prayers.



Anonymous said...

Sending lots of love and prayers your way sweetie.

Jaina said...

Renie-Thank you so much :)

Cheryl-::hugs:: Thank you :)

Gigi Ann said...

I hope by now you have heard back about your uncle and all is well with him, again. It is sad how our lives can change in an instant and most of the time when we least expect it. I hope all your friends have a speedy recovery.


Jaina said...

Gramma Ann-Thank you, I have heard back and my uncle is doing well. I'll have an update here shortly.