Thursday, February 19, 2009

Waay Cool

There was once a girl who worked very hard at her job. She was pretty good at what she did and she loved helping her customers resolve their technological issues.

One day, she was invited to come to the Waay Cool Wednesday meeting. She knew of these meetings, but have never been to one before. Though it seemed a little unusual, she smiled and went along.

At the meeting, the Big I (one of the managers) presented the Waay Cool Worker award. He talked about how the Waay Cool Worker was a team player, represented ITS in a positive manner and always goes above and beyond to help the customers. And then he announced that the Waay Cool worker was this girl. She was surprised as everyone clapped for her, the random questions from the Big I and her bf suddenly making sense. She walked up and got a beautiful bouquet of sweet smelling flowers from the Big I. She also got a certificate award and a gift card to her favorite Italian restaurant where she lived, the same place her bf took her to celebrate their first month together. It finished with a picture of the girl with her boss, her boss' boss, her boss' boss' boss and the CIO (who happens to be her boss' boss' boss' boss).

All in all it was a very good day. The girl felt extremely appreciated, humbled even, that her colleagues in all areas recognized her efforts. And now she has beautiful flowers sitting on her kitchen table, smiling at her as she walks in the door.


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

A-men to that. Your post title says it all! I love days like THAT.

Gigi Ann said...

Congratulations to the girl who received all the flowers, etc. She sounds like the kind of person everyone wants for their friend.

I bet that arrangement of flowers looks lovely on your table. Keep up the good work...You deserved it...

Petunia said...

Congratulations on the recognition!!! :)

Jaina said...

MamaGeek-Thanks :) Days like that are definitely good.

Gramma Ann-Thanks :) I'll get a picture up of the flowers soon.


Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

Totally deserved, to the girl ;) of course!

Supercool Hotmama said...

Hooray! It's so nice to be recognized for your hard work and contributions!

Tabitha Blue said...

That is AWESOME!!!! You go girl. What a great day... keep up the great work!!!


Mandy said...

Yay!! Congrats on the recognition. :)

Jaina said...

Johnina-Thanks :) She definitely appreciated it ;)

Supercool Hotmama-It really was, and it was a lovely surprise.

Tabitha-Thanks! I definitely will :)

Mandy-Thank you! :)

Momo Fali said...

Maybe someday you'll be the boss' boss' boss' boss' boss!

Jaina said...

Momo-Lol, someday ;)

Jeanne Elle said...

Awww, what an awesome story!! (& congrats :)

Anonymous said...

Yay, that's awesome! Isn't it so nice to be recognized by your peers (or even customers!) for a job well done?

Jaina said...

Jeanne-Thanks! :)

April-It definitely does. Nicer than I'd have thought.

Preston said...

Congratulations. All those accolades and flowers too! What a memorable day!

Jaina said...

Preston-Thanks! It was really so sweet, I was really touched. It surprised me by how much the recognition meant.